Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Introduction Paragraph

About one billion people live in slums worldwide. Slums are areas of land were people live in small shacks that are unsanitary. These shacks are often made of low quality materials and many people can live there.  Slums have a negetive effect on human populations because they can be the cause for diseases, create antisocial behavior, and they put peoples' property at risk.  Living in slums may get people sick because of unsanitary reasons.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I. Introduction:
A. Hook- About one billion people live in slums worldwide.
B. Introduce- Slums are areas were people live in poverty in small shacks that lack sanitation.
C. Thesis- Slums have a negetive effect on human populations because they can be the cause for diseases, create antisocial behavior, and they put peoples' property at risk.
D. Transition- Living in slums may get people sick.

II Defendable point 1: Diseases
A. Slums can be the cause for diseases.
B. Slums are unsanitary
     Quote: Human waste leaches into the water people drink and contaminates the food people eat
     Paraphrase: The food and water can carry diseases that could be deadly especially to young children.
C. Because human waste is not disposed of properly, diseases are produced and they may infect people in slums.
D. Antisocial behavior is also a problem in slums.

III Defendable point 2: antisocial behavior
A. Slums could create antisocial behavior in young people.
B. Slums could create antisocial behavior
    Quote: "So they are being socialized in this very hostile enviroment, and some of them become very angry, so slums are also breeding grounds for antisocial behavior."
    Paraphrase: Young poeple become young loiters that use drugs.
C. Slums are hostile enviroments that provide little opportunities for young people. Sometimes these young people people rebels.
D. In addition, slums could put peoples' property at risk.

IV Defendable point 3: Peoples' property at risk
A. Slums put peoples' property at risk
B. Many people that live in slums do not own their own houses
    Qoute: "That frontier of free land is essentially over. Squatting has now been privatized"
     Paraphrase: People that are new to slums have to settle in sites that are prone to natural disaters and that are hard to get to.
C. People living in slums have to pay rent to live in small shacks that could be in dangerous sites that could destroy their properties.
D. In conclusion, slums could have a negetive impact on people living there.

V Conclusion
A. It is predicted that 2 billion people will live in slums in 2030.
B. Slums have a negetive effect on human populations because they can be the cause for diseases, create antisocial behavior, and they put peoples' property at risk.
C. Diseases are common in slums because they lack sanitation. Slums could create antisocial behavior in young people. Slums could make people live in dangerous places.
D. Many people live in slums and many people are trying to help them    

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thesis Statement

Slums have a negative effect on human populations because they could be the cause of diseases, could create antisocial behavior, and they put people's property at risk.